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How to define "eco-friendly" shopping?

There has been a heated discussion on whether online shopping creates more problems than traditional offline shops. More people consider this topic, especially covid has impacted the world. Physical/local shopping advocates claim that they did their best to keep the carbon footprint low. The ideal case seems to consolidate the merchandise to one marketplace with a full container load and fulfill a group of shoppers' needs. However, my 20+ years of experience in manufacturing and e-commerce business tells me to view the issue very differently.

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How to Keep the Kitchen Clean

You may think cleaning the kitchen is a lot of work, and would rather dedicate a big chunk of time (perhaps a weekend) to do it. Chances are you may be busy with something else and cannot make the time for it. Things get worse and accumulated, and you end up having to hire someone else to help.  Why not utilize bits of time and do it on a daily basis? It pays off when you go to sleep, knowing that you have a fresh and spotless kitchen ready to be used the day to come:)

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